The First Post of SUNDAY FUNDAY

So hi everyone. This is my first Sunday Funday post I want to start by saying, sometimes my sunday funday is what it sounds like but for post sake, it’s going to by the 5 goals I want to accomplish for the week. They could be shoot-for-the-moon goals, smaller ones that I know I will accomplish or just plain ‘ol, plain ‘ol.

1. Keep up my eat-less, exercise-more momentum. The timeline went like this: Join WW, memorial day, gained .6 lbs at the next meeting. After that I really started getting motivated and have been eating less, and smart. I NEED to keep that up because I know I can do it.

2. Watch my sister walk across the stage, accept it and allow her the limelight. She is graduating and going to Texas A&M next year, but first she’s going to camp for a month then the summer program. I’m having a hard time accepting that she’s growing up and doing her own thing. She’s always been home waiting for me and now it’s her time.

3. Take a deep breath as family pours in from out of town. My family is crazy, that being said, I know what to expect coming from them. Better to be prepared than in denial?

4. ROCK my internship! I start tomorrow ya’ll! I’m pretty psyched about it. I do, though, have to step it up if I want to get hired. I am comfortable with it because I was there last summer but it’s always exciting when you begin a new thing. There will be two other girls working with me this summer and I’m really hoping to be at the forefront and show that I’m able to manage the interns. In my experience, the girls the company I work with has hired granola, birkenstocks type girls but I know I can handle it.

5. Blog at least 3 times this week. I CAN do this.

I know I don’t have readers yet but I’m going to pretend like I do and say, ya’ll make some goals for your week too! It’s easy if you know what’s in store for you. Wish me luck, and I wish you the same.


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