The Intern’s Guide: To the First Day on the Job

Today, interns all over the country were arriving to their first day of work a little giddy and excited for the “next chapter” of their lives, and a new bullet point for their resumes.

For me, The morning went well. Met my new mousy, frizzy co-worker and caught up with a few people as well as filled out a book of paperwork. Literally, it was a book. Miss Frizz and I went to lunch at a local joint after feeling like we really accomplished something that morning and returned to find out that the agency had not run our paperwork that was to be completed before we started. So our boss regretfully sent us home. I’m not complaining! I’m OK with a few more days of summer.

Today wasn’t my first “first day” experience though and I know how nerve wracking it might be, so I’ve come up with a list of To Do’s and Not To Do’s on the first day of your new chapter.

To Do:

1. Be Early: If this is your first time to ever work at your new job, then allow yourself a lot of time to get up, be hygienic and take a shower, do your hair and makeup, pick out the perfect First Day of Work outfit, eat breakfast and leave for work SUPER early. I arrived to my first day 30 minutes before I was suppose to be there. That’s a lot of time, too much in my opinion, but you never know what the traffic might be like, or if there are any cool stops on your new route, or (my biggest thing) you might get lost. If you are in a 100% new place, I suggest driving to the office the day before. Another reason to be early is because there will be a lot of explaining to do. How to use the copier, where the bathrooms are, who you might should avoid in the office, things like that.

2. Try to Remember Most Things: I know, the first day on the job is overwhelming. You might meet like 100 people who won’t remember your name and learn where everything is while filling out 400 sheets of paperwork, so try really hard to remember as much stuff as you can. I like to use little name game tactics when meeting people and if my boss tells me something that I know is important that I’ll be doing, I like to write it down because I’m forgetful. Also if you do remember something that your boss said, or remember someones name then don’t be afraid to show what you know! It’ll impress them.

3. Smile A LOT: People tend to not really care about what the new intern has to say besides a small, “glad I’m here” comment, so just sit back, let the other people do the talking and smile. Image

4. Make a Good First Impression: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Be really nice to everyone and a long with smiling a lot, act like you’re overly interested in whatever anyone has to say. It sounds ridiculous and brutally honest but people want you to care about their lives so care, or try to care or act like you’re caring.


5. Take What You Can Get: A messy old cubicle, AWESOME! A small desk where rats came out of, FANTASTIC! A computer with Windows 1999, SUPER-DUPER! Being an intern is not about the fancy office with the view, you take what you can get people. When/if your employer is “so sorry” about what they have for you tell them that it’s PERFECT-WONDERFUL-AMAZING. That also applies to work. You are there to do the grunt work, that’s why you’re the intern. The plus side, they don’t expect too much out of you because you are JUST the intern.

This should be you when the boss show you where you'll be working.


^You being excited about your new work area^

Not to Do:

1. Immediately snub anyone or anything: We’ve all had crazy bosses or co-workers, it’s just life but don’t write them off as soon as you meet them. You will have to be working with these people for awhile so just keep smiling.


2. Be Lazy OR Late: Being late is not-so-good on your first day, I mean maybe like two weeks in if you HAVE to but even then, it’s not good for your reputation. Don’t be lazy either. If your boss gives you something to do and it sounds less than awesome and you don’t want to do it, so you get on Facebook for four hours and then when they ask for it because it was to write one sentence and you don’t have it, it’ll set the pace for the long-run.


3. Take Calls or Texts: I am on my phone constantly, everyone is nowadays, but just today as you get a feel for your new internship, put the phone away! Most of the people that are doing the hiring and in charge of the interns complain about our generation always being on their phones. So show that grumpy old boss of yours that you don’t need your phone.


4. Complain: Being an intern might not be the best. It’s not the best, I can tell you that with 100% confidence right now. There are a lot of annoyances and small things that you have to just deal with. Don’t complain about it on your first day, just don’t. To another intern, to a staff member and especially not to your boss, just don’t complain! It’s tacky.


5. Look Like a Slob: Looking like a slob is one of the worst things you could do. You want to make a good first impression, remember? They might have met you during the hiring process at your interview or you might have sent them a headshot, but if you look like you’ve got it all going on, chances are, you do.


Good Luck and don’t let life get ya down!


The Intern

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