Black Bean Brownies

My boss did not attempt to contact me at the beginning of the day, so I figured I had the day off. I was good with it, I thought I’d get some real relaxation time in but that didn’t happen. If you haven’t figure it out yet, I’m living at home this summer and when I’m not running errands for my mom, or picking people up from Softball on my days off, I like to cook or bake.

Today I decided to make one of my favorite Weight Watchers desserts, Black Bean Brownies. I know, right? It sounds totally gross! But it’s only 4 points per square and that sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

Here is the recipe:

I screenshotted the Weight Watchers ap that I have, so the green squares mean they are super good for you! Also, preheat the oven to 350F. 

I forgot to add in the 4 eggs and the salt in this picture, but I didn’t really have any specific brands. The PAM is the baking version, which it suggests, so use that kind.

Half a cup of black beans and the 1/4 a cup of black strong coffee to the blender (or food processor) and liquify it until it’s smooth. I didn’t put strong coffee in there because I don’t really like coffee, but you can add a little more, or less. They are your brownies, so make them how YOU want them to taste. Just know that the black beans don’t really add any beany flavor, it’s just adding some extra fiber. But the mixture might be a little smelly-I’m just warning you.

The recipe says to melt the unsalted butter and bittersweet chocolate in a double boiler over low heat, but I just put the two in a glass bowl and stuck it in the microwave. I zapped it twice for 45 second each, so depending on how hot your microwave is, you can go from there.

Beat the eggs and sugar together in a medium bowl. Again, the recipe said to use an electric mixer, but I just beat it until it was all liquid. I think it worked out for me pretty well.

Add the chocolate mixture to the sugar mixture. 

Add the black bean mixture into the other one you’ve got going on. 

My little helper Mr. Bojangles was there to make sure nothing dropped on the ground. Also he just really wanted me to get done so that we could go on a walk. 

I gave these adorable teaspoon/tablespoons to my mom for her birthday last year. They are SO CUTE and functional. I got them at Francesca’s, where I usually end up spending way too much money. My boyfriend’s mom also has a set and she said that sometimes she finds that you need to add a little bit more to compensate for the grooves the designs make. 

Added the flower. 

This is the salt that I used. nothing fancy, just table salt. 

When everything was added and mixed I smothered the edges of my 9X13 pan with PAM and for easy clean up I used foil. 

CAN’T WAIT, SO YUMMY! On recipes, I always find myself setting the time half way from where it says. The recipe calls for 25-30 minutes, so I set the timer for 27 minutes. 

I had to let them cool for a little bit (10 minutes), but so far they looked and smelled irresistible. I didn’t put them on a cooling rack, because I’m not a fancy pants, but you sure as heck can if you want.
Over all they turned out great. You could taste the coffee a little bit, but it wasn’t overwhelming. You can’t taste the beans AT ALL. It’s crazy and wonderful all at the same time. My very picky little sister didn’t have many words after she took her first bight, but she did tell me that she wanted me to make them again and that they didn’t taste like healthy brownies. Which they really aren’t. You should cut them so that there are 24 brownies. Remember it’s only 4 points per brownie. It’s just a small price to pay for something that is truly tasty!

Good Luck and back to real work tomorrow!


The Intern

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