90s Songs You Can Never Make Me Stop Loving

There’s no denying it, I’m a 90’s kid. I grew up with things like boy bands, Catdog, Wonderballs, slap bracelets, jell pens and SLIME TIME LIVE. Last week I discovered a Pandora station that has changed my life, Backstreet Boys. I mean, come on, that’s just plain awesome. People like the Backstreet Boys, Nsync and Brit really morphed me into the person that I am today. Today, I will be throwing it back with my favorite 10 songs of the 1990s. (remember, I just really liked them. There’s no data..or professional opinion here, it’s just what I liked when I was a 10 year old kid)

10. “Every Morning”

Sugar Ray is the bomb. The group’s “whatever” attitude really made you believe you could buddy up with these dudes while they rocked out. 




9. “All I Want to Do”

My family and I used to be a member of the community pool so during the summer times, I have very vivid memories of loading up in the hot suburban and headed up there. Sheryl Crow’s song was always on the radio and the weird part was, my dad LOVED it! It is the perfect summer anthem and all we really wanted to do was have fun too. 




8. “Goodbye Earl”

Although technically it didn’t hit the charts until 2000, this song was released on the album Fly in 1999. This song is awesome. My best friend and I would sing the entire song and pretend we were Marianne and Wanda. Even though Wanda got screwed over by Earl, at least her BFF was there to save the day. It’s one of the best “don’t mess with my best friends, boys, cause we will come after you” songs in all of eternity. 




7. “Say My Name”

Destiny’s Child had it all going on. I still to this day miss the sassy girl group and although they were a little out there, I loved it. When they were in the superbowl this year, I could have died of happiness. BEYONCE (no explanation needed). I would regularly choose this song during neighborhood karaoke and really thought I blew everyone out of the water. 




6. “Genie in a Bottle” 

When I first purchased Christina Aguiler’s CD (or when my mom purchased it for me), I holed myself up in my room for a few hours memorizing every single word to this song. My mom had to literally come knock on my door and ask if I was OK. I took out the lyrics from the CD cover and went through the song over and over and over again. Eventually I memorized every single word and still proudly know every word today. 




5. “Spice Up Your Life”

I was ALL about the girl power back then and the Spice Girls was the epitome of it. I owed a taped recording on VHS of the movie and couldn’t get enough of this song. Neither could the rest of my elementary school though, so we played the Spice Girls game pretty often. I often got stuck with Sporty Spice because I played sports but everyone wanted to be Baby Spice, including me. One day I’ll get to be Baby Spice, one day. 




4. “Living the Vida Loca”

When I learned the news of Ricky Martin’s homosexualism, I almost died. This seductive song made it OK to shake that little tush of mine and sing about “taking my clothes off and dancing in the rain”. My next door neighbors and I would often listen to this song on my blue boom box when we were playing in the hose, so it wasn’t like we were actually being seductive. To this day, I’m still not over Ricky Martin.




3. “I Want it That Way”

One time during a karaoke session, I vividly remember tearing up while belting this song at the top of my lungs. The Backstreet Boys are my main guys. My first concert was at a Backstreet Boys concert in 2001 and it might have been the best day of my life. 



2. “Bye Bye Bye”

I really hate admitting that I like this song better than a BB song, but I do. Nsync outdid themselves with this one. I also liked it more because it came with it’s very own dance moves. I don’t really know what it was, but I had the toy where I could put the one song in the player, thing, and I would listen to it nonstop. 




1. “…Baby One More Time”

Brittany Spears was (besides Destiny’s Child) was who I looked up to during my very formative years. She had a million amazing songs, was beautiful, and dated a guy from Backstreet Boys (even though he was the noodle headed one). I still proudly know every word to this song and when it comes on my Pandora in the car, I SHOUT the lyrics. I love it. Nobody can ever stop making me love this song. 




So those are my faves..What are your favorite 90s songs? 


The Intern

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