Sorry I’ve been MIA for awhile, my schedule is crazy with the whole going to Austin, then coming home then traveling to my boyfriends and also doing math on the side. It’s crazy. I’m just going to make some goals here on the blog so that I can actually get stuff done this week.

1. GET BACK ON WW. I’ve only lost 3 and since I’ve been home I’ve lost like 5-6. I want my little gold star thing in the meeting. I want to be recognized for my accomplishment. I haven’t been doing bad, but next weekend we will more than likely be in the pool and in my bathing suit. So if I do well this week, I’ll feel better next weekend. 

2. Spend my money frugally. I get allowance still also I’m getting paid for the first time this summer!! WOOO! I’m going to try really hard not to blow it on expensive things that I don’t need. I’m really trying to be more adult about this. 

3. Have patience with moms. My mom bugs the shit out of me a lot of times. My boyfriend’s mom also bugs the shit out of me a lot of times. I need to just accept the fact that I can’t get away from them, no matter how hard I try. 

4. Try hard on math. There is nothing that sucks more than my online math class. I don’t half ass it, which is the annoying part. I really try and really focus on what I’m doing and how to figure the problems out. I need to find a tutor and will before my final but come on brain!

5. Look toward the future, but not too much. I’m going to try really hard not to stress about the things that I can’t take care of in the next week. Things like moving to my new apartment and if I’ll have to do it all alone, finding a job, finding a house, if I want to get engaged sooner or later. I worry a lot, I’m a women after all! I need to quit that. So that’s the goal. 


It’s Monday Tomorrow: 



Oh wait, I can do this:







And Remember: 



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