Confessions of a Mad Men Addict

Why oh why does this day and age have to be so different from the advertising agency of Sterling and Cooper? I mean, Don sometimes gets on my nerve..well, most of the characters get on my nerve in Mad Men but that doesn’t mean I love them any less BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT.

If you’ve never heard of Mad Men (GASP) then you should really get with it. Over the course of six seasons it follows an advertising agency through the the ups and downs of relationships, major world events, a toe getting run over in the office and plenty of drunken nights. Lets talk about some of the characters shall we?

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Donald Draper is a coy, sharp man who is the main character in Mad Men. Until season 3 he was the creative director of Sterling Cooper and then he moved on. As much as I really love this guy, sometimes I hate him. He has an awesome family complete with a golden retriever. Women can’t resist him and I see why but come on! He can also be a jerk and I don’t like it. Oh Don, I love you but you make me mad.

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Elizabeth (Betty) Draper is the most beautiful women on the show and nothing annoys me more than beautiful, unhappy women. She (like Don) has it all. DAMN HER and her tiny waste and hott husband. I don’t see why she sucks sometimes. I mean, Don cheats on her constantly but that shouldn’t be a reason to be a diva 24/7. Betty- your life isn’t so bad, GET OVER IT.

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Peggy Olson is one of the characters that I dislike the least. Her can-do in a man’s world attitude is admirable and I like her gumption, it’s refreshing. Sometimes (like during the bye, bye birdie episode) she makes me cringe with how innocent she is. Girlfran-get it together! Pete only wants you for your bod and not the chubby lovin’ version. Peggy-keep on keeping on, you’ll get there.

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Is it weird that I love Pete Campbell? His is one of the more annoying characters in the TV show because of his “I deserve this” attitude but I feel sorry for the guy. His ideas aren’t better and he isn’t smarter but I just want him to do something good in his sorry life. I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth but I can relate to him on some fronts. Pete, nobody really likes you besides Peggy but get it together and pull through for me.

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Joan Harris is awesome. It’s obvious that she is the QB (quarterback, queen B) of the office and she takes advantage of it. She can really be mean sometimes but obviously she knows what she wants. Don’t get me wrong, Joan can piss me off on occasion also like when she is mean to any of the boys. Is it sad that I don’t care if she is mean to Peggy? She really wants a good life and she tries really hard but I don’t think it’s in the cards for you Joanie.

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Roger Sterling and Bert Cooper are the backbone of Sterling Cooper, obviously. Sterling is ridiculous by his crazy affairs and marriages and Cooper sometimes shows his oldness so profoundly, I wish him and his Japanese decor would just leave.


We’ve already talked about Pete (the middle guy with the navy suit) but the other four gentlemen surrounding him are great. I love each and every one of them through their flaws. These men go to work, have accounts and booze ALL DAY. They are always laughing, always together and always drinking. The first one to the left, Harry Crane is my personal favorite. His glasses, bow-tie and seemingly innocent face and demeanor have won me over. Paul Kinsey, the next one over, is a sassy almost gay man who tries to compete against the rest of the boys constantly. Love him but his constant competitive and liberal streak kind of annoys me. It’s like dude…nobody thinks you aren’t working, Peggy just has good ideas sometimes. The next one that isn’t Pete is Ken Cosgrove. He is the bachelor of the group and I just constantly feel bad for him. He will snag a wife eventually, I mean..besides Don, he is one of the more attractive men at the office. The last is Sal. Sal is 100% gay and to be honest, that’s one of the reasons why I like him. He really wants to love his wife but he would rather just be the sassy gay friend, I know. Good group of fellas right there.

I realize I didn’t cover every character and haven’t even covered the entire six seasons but I’m only in the third, so deal with it. When I graduate in December I’m hoping to go to work for Sterling Cooper as a secretary and then work my way to the top just like Peggy did. When we land big accounts like Pan Am, Diet Pepsi and of course Lucky Strikes, you’ll think back to this blog post and say, “she called it”.


The Intern

p.s. if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been and why I haven’t been blogging, I’ve been watching Mad Men and nothing else

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