My Summer Reading List

So obviously I’m one busy lady. I got my internship stuff going on Monday-Wednesday and I always end up having something to do or somewhere to drive on the weekends. I drive a lot more than your average 21 year old and it is honestly a pain sometimes. What makes it the hour here and there go by faster is a good audiobook. 

Here is the point where you say –MEREDITH, you are 21 years old. You are not a 49 year old women driving while listening to your old-school CD player with equally as old head phones. (yes mom, that was a stab at you) but audiobooks rock! Instead of having to worry about the next song or even making a playlist, you can just turn on your book at drive on.

Traveling from one side of Texas to the other for the past three years, I’ve listened to many books on tape. From the entire Hunger Games and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, to almost every Nicholas Sparks book written. Let’s be honest though. When you come home from your job or internship or even school, reading for pleasure is probably the last thing you want to do –unless you’re a book nerd in which case, I am not judging. Listening to books over extended miles keeps you from thinking about your crazy life and helps you plunge into a different one. Here are some that have kept me entertained on the road this summer:



Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns by Mindy Kaling

I first started getting into this type of book when I listened to all of Chelsea Handler’s books. I then followed with Tina Fey, and now Mindy Kaling. First off, this girl is awesome. If you have not ever heard of The Mindy Project, I highly suggest getting on Netflix or Hulu immediately and watching every single episode that you possibly can. I knew about Mindy from The Office and I am going to be honest, I was not super stoked about her show. If you have ever seen The Office, you would know the character she plays is obnoxious. I reluctantly gave The Mindy Project a chance and cannot get enough of it! Since watching the show, I knew we were a lot alike and possibly could become best friends but after reading her book I’m thinking that it is destiny for us to actually become best friends. In the book she talks about her struggles, her childhood, The Office, her dating life and where she is now. If you are not a women, you would probably not enjoy it but she has got some major working-women girl power going on there. It sounds corny but it was nice to hear some of the struggles that us real people have. For a celeb, Mindy is one of the most real. Keep on keeping on my friend and I cannot wait until your next book and the new season of The Mindy Project. 


Front Cover

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

One of the things that makes this audiobook so amazing is the lady who reads..or “performs” it but regardless of that, this is an amazing book. It is not a typical girl and guy fall in love but they have cancer type book, it is more moving than that. You cannot help but fall in love with Augustus Waters just like Hazel does in the story. I still love him and he is a fictional character. I will allow myself to sob on any occasion that I feel like sobbing but I don’t think I’ve been more distraught than by the end of this book! The best part about this book is, even though it’s a sad story, there are instances of quick remarks and witty humor that you can’t help but laugh at. Any teenager with or without cancer can relate to the main character and we all were teenagers once. If you need a good cry, or you’re feeling a little down on your luck, I highly suggest you read this book. This book will change you, just don’t say I didn’t warn you. 




Serena by Ron Rash

This book has been different than the typical girly-sappy books that I’m accustomed to reading..or er..listening too. Serena is about a newlywed couple that owns a logging company in North Carolina in 1929. I started reading it because it is going to be a movie with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradly Cooper but what I got was an education in logging procedures in the 1930s and an instant draw to the time period. Also, Serena Pemberton (who the book is named for) is such a badass, I can’t even handle it. Granted, her tactics may have seemed a little out there, but for a girl in that time period…wow. It’s hard to say if this book would be more womanly or manly. Womanly because some of the characters require you to feel bad for them but manly because there is so much grit (and blood). Read it and decide for yourself.



Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

When I first heard about this book, I did not really get excited about it. My family grew up listening to mystery novels on long car-trips and it just sounded like one of those. Reluctantly though, I downloaded it to my iPod and listened to it. After finally finishing it the only words that come to mind is: I did not see that coming. I thought I had it all figured out by the middle but boy was I wrong. Just when I got comfortable, there was a gigantic plot twist. All I can say is, IT IS NOT A TYPICAL MYSTERY. The only thing I can say is that the ending kind of disappointed me. I vested so much time and miles into this novel and it came up short. To be fair, it was well worth it. This book will also become a movie soon, so you’d better get to reading.



So there ya have it folks, my summer reading list thus far. Honestly, if you’re reading this and want to discuss any of these books with me, PLEASE do. I think discussing the book with other readers is one of the greatest things about finishing a book. As for now, I’m not going to stop LISTENING as long as I have miles to go. This summer, I’ve listened to a few good ones that I’m highly recommending to you, my dear reader, because just like every book you ever read or listen to, they change you in some way. These books have changed me.  

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