About the Blog

After finally realizing that I’m going to have to grow up sooner rather than later, I’ve decided to create this blog in order to show what it’s really like out in the real world for college-age almost graduates. With the pressure to find a job immediately after graduation (or before), living up to upper-middle-class family standards, the exhausting task of attending sorority event after sorority event while maintaining final classes, a job AND a social life. Sounds nuts. You guessed right.

The reason for the name: Always the Intern is pretty much what it sounds like. I’ve been a student assistant, student worker, student intern since the ripe ol’ age of 15 when I got my first job. Now I’m finally about to wrap it up and enter the real world. You will see that there are times where I’m happy about this, sad about it or just outright confused.

What I’m trying to get out of this blog: I want it to start as an outlet. Some place where I can go and write whatever, whenever. I’m not planning on writing every day and I won’t beat myself up about it if I miss a day because it’s MY blog. I want people to read it because I feel like people will identify with me (read more in the About Me section) but I’m not worried about readership currently. Eventually I want it to turn into a really handy tool where I can say, “Check out my Blog” to future employers.

To preface where I’m beginning in my blog: This summer I’m headed back to Austin, Texas to intern with a magazine for the second summer in a row. I like magazine work, it’s always fun to see your work come to life, but I’m going to have to put on my extra smily face because I’m hoping it could be a place where I’m hired on.

What the heck will I blog about?: Well everything that I deal with I guess. It’s not suppose to be anything specific because I am loosing weight, I do travel, I like taking pictures, I have a job, I love Pinterest and cooking and so, let’s just say it’ll be a mix of everything.

It’s a blessed life I live and I guess I’ll be sharing it with the world.

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