About Me

I am a full blown Texas girl. I love beer, floating the Frio River (or any river, I’m not picky), and I can eat BBQ and Tex-Mex like nobodies business. I’m proud of where I’m from and think it’s one of the best places on Earth..I mean, have you ever seen a Lubbock sunset or been through the hill country during summer time and stopped at a fruit stand or attended a county fair OR walked into a mexican food resteraunt and been the only white person?

I am currently attending Texas Tech University. If you’re reading this and saying “ew, gross Lubbock/Tech sucks” I’d like to ask you if you have ever been there? Then I’d like to know which University you went to so we can go from there. I love it, the town itself is very far away from EVERYTHING and I understand that but I still love it. So yeah, Wreck ‘Em.

Not sure what I would do without my little.
Not sure what I would do without my little.

I  am a member of Kappa Delta Sorority and my membership in it has made me who I am today. I complain about it, I’m not going to lie, because some parts of it can be more than I bargained for. Regardless, I met some of my best friends and learned a lot so I’m thankful for it.

Family Christmas 2012

I love my family. I have 2 sisters, a loving mom and dad and a big black lab named Mr. Bojangles. They are a great support system and have always been there for me. Sometimes, like any family, we don’t get a long. I don’t want to publicly blog about our family issues, but some if my feelings stem from them, so just bare with me. I’m currently struggling between the home I grew up in and the home that it is now. I can’t exactly explain everything I have to explain here, so I’ll post more about my family later, but the point is, they are crazy and I love them.

My main man

I love my dog. He is my family, I realized that I already mentioned him but some could say that I’m obsessed with him. He isn’t perfect because he is a big black lab and is only a year and a half old so there’s lots of energy going on there but he always makes me feel better because I think he is obsessed with me too.

I don’t really feel good about myself right now? I know this isn’t exactly a weight loss blog but I’m currently using weight watchers to work on myself right now. After I went to college I went crazy. Well, I stopped working out every day. I’m in the beginning stages so I’m complaining a lot and finding myself regularly daydreaming about food. The good news is, my mom is helping me because she was in the same boat when she was in college. So when I get back to school for rush, I’mma be lookin’ fiinee.

I am an Agricultural Communications major. Go ahead, ask me if I talk to to cows or corn. It’s not like I’ve ever heard that one before. The best way I can explain it is, its a mix between Mass Communications and an Animal Science degree. When I was younger, I attended a summer camp where you had to pick a sport to do as your activity. I could never pick one because I like all of the sports so there was one activity called “sampler” which allowed me to go to a different one each day of the week-long camp. Ag Com (as it’s so warmly called) is a sampler of communications. I have taken classes in PR, Advertising, News Writing, Photography, Web Design, Video..the list goes on and on! Not sure which department is my favorite though, I’m having a hard time picking. Also, don’t expect my grammar, punctuation or spelling to be pristine. Sorry Mr. W, you taught me a lot in one semester but I can’t remember everything.

I can appreciate good book. I listen to audiobooks because I drive a lot so if you have any suggestions, PLEASE let me know.

I get addicted to TV shows easily. I don’t exactly have a preference because I love shows like Gossip Girls, Sex and the City, True Blood, The Following, The Mindy Project, The OC, VEEP, Girls, The Tudors, Bates Motel, American Horror Story, Nashville, Downton Abbey….see, mostly all over the map. Again, I’m always looking for new seasons of TV to watch, so let me know. Also I’m sorry ya’ll but I don’t like Game of Thrones, I’m not good at paying attention to that complex of anything.

My boyfriend is a pretty cool guy. We’ve been dating for 3 years and he is 6 years older than me (which really has never been a problem). We both have flaws but we are learning to work together and accomplish pretty much anything. He has been my biggest support since the day we met. We have been talking about marriage and when I’m not daydreaming about food, I’m thinking about a potential wedding venue or ring or cake. Yes, I’m that crazy girlfriend..But I like to think that the more I do now, the easier it’ll be then.

My friends are the bomb. We are kind of all spread out right now. Point is, I love them and miss them, wherever they are in the world.

Pinterest stuff is what inspires me. To group all of the DYI, cooking, and decorating together, I’m just going to say “Pinterest Stuff”. It’s FUN and it gives me a chance to be creative. I will periodically post about a good recipe or a great DIY project that worked out for me.

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